
gismentors logo

We are offering workshops and mentoring in the field open source geospatial software and open geospatial data. The workshops are either open to public attendees or focused on specific needs of business client.

Currently, we are providing our materials under the hood of GISMentors group. All materials we are providing are released under Creative Commons license.The materials are now focused on Czech and Slovak users (with some exceptions), we are able to provide workshops in English and German on following (but not only) topics:

  • GRASS GIS – for beginners, advanced and power users with Python interface
  • QGIS – for beginners and advanced users
  • PostGIS – for beginners and advanced users
  • Geospatial scripting with Python programming language – GDAL, FIONA, Shapely, RasterIO, OWSLib and other tools
  • Introduction to open source software for geospatial and to GIS

We are building network of cooperating companies and individuals across Europe  to be able to provide customer’s with most valuable information at the spot. We are also able to organise workshop in our venue with cooperation of   Czech Technical University in Prague Faculty of Civil Engineering